Next time you are passing by Micheline-Saint-Cyr elementary school on Forty First Street in Long Branch, take a look at the newly-planted trees and shrubs beautifying the school grounds for students, staff and the Long Branch neighbourhood!
With a Greening Canada School Grounds Grant from Tree Canada —the only national non-profit organization dedicated to planting and nurturing trees in rural and urban environments — and assistance from Staples Business Advantage, the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association (LBNA) partnered with Ecole Micheline-Saint-Cyr to plant a host of native trees and shrubs.
On a cool but sunny Saturday in late November, Bob Baker and his crew from Baker Forestry Services, Nursery and Consulting planted over a dozen native trees on school grounds: 2 Swamp White Oaks; 3 White Birches; 1 Sugar Maple, and 7 Serviceberries. Two clumps of three Red Stem Dogwood shrubs each were also planted, to frame the large school sign on the front lawn facing onto Forty First Street
Planting more trees in Long Branch is always cause to celebrate, given our ever-shrinking tree canopy. Long Branch’s shrinking tree canopy is a constant concern of the LBNA, but as Judy Gibson, Vice-Chair of the LBNA and Chair of its Tree Canopy Preservation and Enhancement Committee states, “Long Branch will be a little greener in the spring thanks to this initiative!”
Written by: Robbi Jordan, Member, LBNA Tree Canopy Preservation and Enhancement Committee