We are delighted to announce that the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association (LBNA) is once again able to offer free trees to our community on Saturday, September 14th, 2024!
This program supports the City of Toronto’s 40% tree canopy coverage target by encouraging tree planting and tree care on private property in Toronto.
To place your order, go to our Shop Page or select LBNA Tree for Free Registration from the main menu.
You have a choice of 12 native tree and shrub species.
Large Canopy Trees:
- Red Oak
- White Pine
- Sugar Maple
Medium/Small Trees:
- Paper (White) Birch
- Serviceberry
- Eastern White Cedar
- Nannyberry
- Alternate Leaf Dogwood
- Red Osier Dogwood
- Pussy Willow
- Black Elderberry
- Meadowsweet
The Pickup Process
Your tree(s) will be distributed by volunteers from the LBNA at the end of Colonel Samuel Smith Drive (the turnaround) on Saturday, September 14th, from 10:00am to 12:30pm.
Trees will be loaded into cars, your bike, wagon or stroller, etc. from this turnaround at the end of Colonel Samuel Smith Drive with volunteers directing traffic and providing instructions:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Any unclaimed trees will be given away to walk-ups starting at 12:45pm.
PLEASE NOTE: Because funding for this program comes from a Community Planting and Stewardship Grant from the City of Toronto, this program is limited to residents of Toronto and any trees ordered must be planted on private property within the City of Toronto
We all have a role to play in making Toronto greener.
Let’s get planting Long Branch!
If you have any questions, please email trees40@lbna.ca.
Funding for this project is thanks to a Community Planting & Stewardship Grant from the City of Toronto.