Please Donate to the Long Branch Defense Fund Your donation will pay for the Legal and Planning Representation for the Neighbourhood at the OLT Appeal for 220, 230, 240 Lake Promenade and 21, 31 Park. Fight the Height. Protect our shoreline. In order build a condo complex the size of a small town, this developer proposes to: Destroy 89 protected trees and 52 more of significant size Ignore the impact on the precious shoreline natural environment and parks Create a construction nightmare for neighbours over 15 years ‘Renovict’ 548 of the current residents from their homes - 1,200 to 1,500 people with no choice Create a mass of 9 towers that crowd the streetscape and shade neighboring properties Create unsafe conditions on our streets and the Waterfront Trail path by increasing traffic Exacerbate street parking issues as the majority of units will have no parking onsite The developer has escalated this application to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), ignoring requests from the community to reduce height and protect more greenspace. This leads us to a complex 4 week court trial with costs for the opposing Parties including the LBNA. We will hire a lawyer and seek expert witness to represent your interests. But we need to see your support to signal our intention to fight this. Act now to enable us to carry on this work. Fight the Height! Protect our shoreline. Donate on this page to contribute to the Legal Fund. Stay informed. Join the LBNA for $15 annually. Respond to requests to share your opinion. Spread the word. Support fundraising activities. Learn about others living in an serving Long Branch. Meet new people. If you think you can let this one go, and get involved another day, think again. Other developers are watching to see what resistance there will be to towers. The picture (above right) is now 43 stories – quadruple the original proposal! And the proposed development on Lake Promenade is in the background! Help us to demonstrate that Long Branch refuses to accept destruction of our shoreline and the character of a residential neighourbood. Protect the things that you enjoy about living here, for yourself and future generations. LBNA Donations - select LBNA Donations - $5 - $ 5.00 $10 - $ 10.00 $20 - $ 20.00 $25 - $ 25.00 $100 - $ 100.00 $250 - $ 250.00 $500 - $ 500.00 $1,000 - $ 1,000.00 $5,000 - $ 5,000.00 $10,000 - $ 10,000.00 Custom Donation Amount Total Amount Email Address * Payment Options Payment Method Credit Card I prefer another amount and will make my donation offline Review your contribution Like this:Like Loading...