Get your trees inventoried early! It will likely take us a couple of summers to inventory all the trees in Long Branch but click on the link below and give us your permission and address to get your property inventoried this summer. Natalie and Henri (our summer students conducting the Tree Inventory Project) will be providing individual homeowners with reports on your own trees and/or plantable space and we will be working with the University of Toronto Faculty of Forestry to share the preliminary data and key findings with you as the data accumulates.
Click here to say YES to Tree Inventory
Future Impacts of Having a Neighbourwoods© Inventory for Long Branch
Both the Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines and Toronto Official Plan outline what sustainability features the city desires in both public and private space. Their vision, in conjunction with our analysis, has the power to really help Long Branch understand our urban forestry successes and challenges in a way that can concretely inform policy, funding and stewardship.
What we need you to do
1) Watch for Henri and Natalie this summer on your street and say “Hi” and invite them into your backyard to conduct the Tree Inventory.
2) Say “Yes, to Tree Inventory on my property” to participate in the inventory project. You can do this by clicking on this link or emailing us at and provide your address
3) Encourage your neighbours on your street to participate.
4) Come out to “Toast the Trees” to help us raise money for the program (see our earlier email with more details on what the funds will be used for)