On January 19, 2022, TLAB issued a decision on the proposed severance of 65 Fortieth Street, overturning the Committee of Adjustment’s approval in 2019 and thereby refusing the severance and the associated construction ot two oversized homes. . This was the first application in Long Branch that was subject to the Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines.
This represented the 17th straight victory for the LBNA in opposing severance activity in Long Branch since 2018. All the more impressive, given that the LBNA has advocated at TLAB on behalf of Long Branch residents without engaging a lawyer.
In her 19-page decision, TLAB presiding member Ms. Shaheynoor Talukder commented that the applicant’s team failed to prove that the lot frontage of the proposed dwellings will respect and reinforce the existing character of the neighbourhood.
In addition, this property has a prominent White Fir . This was measured by the Applicant’s arborist to have a trunk diameter of 47 cm, so is of a size that the City’s Tree Protection regulations indicate should be protected. Ms Talukder commented that it is visually impressive and forms part of the character of the neighbourhood. The Applicant had proposed removing this tree, but Ms. Talukder did not feel they were taking sufficient measures to attempt to preserve it, as per the environmental policies in the Official Plan.
The White Fir at 65 Fortieth Street can be enjoyed as a feature tree on the Conifer Walk this summer as part of our series of Long Branch Tree Tours.
Christine Mercado, co-chair of the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association commented, saying, “This is a big win for our Neighbourhood. But it’s a joint effort. It starts with effective city policy, followed with an effective Neighbourhood Association, residents who are prepared to get actively involved and engagement with our Councillor and City Staff. The foundation this all sits on is engaged and active residents electing the right people, pushing for good policy and ensuring the City is enforcing those policies.”